Congratulations Shon!

Hercules and the umpire.

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Now, read Tony Mauro’s beautifully written article that appears today, entitled From Felony Conviction to Bar Exam. After that, read Shon’s personal reflections entitled Graduation: From Federal Prison to Juris Doctorate.

Shon and his pretty family upon graduation from the University of Washington School of Law, where he was a Gates public service law scholar. Shon and his pretty family upon graduation from the University of Washington School of Law, where he was a Gates public service law scholar.

Tony Mauro and Howard Bashman have my personal thanks for following Shon’s journey and keeping his struggles and aspirations in our consciousness. They have done an important public service by reminding we cynical types that redemption is possible in the real world just as it is in story books–and that’s even true for a bank robber turned would-be lawyer like the truly remarkable Shon Hopwood.*


*For my previous posts on Shon see here and here.

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